First punch out the corresponding circles for the balls.
There should be at least 12 circles per honeycomb ball. The more circles you use, the fuller the result will be.
Now fold each circle in the middle once and open it again.
Apply a thin strip of glue perpendicular to the fold line and close the circle again at the previously folded line.
Repeat this with all the circles.
Now glue the resulting half circles to each other. For this, two glue lines are now applied, one to the right and one to the left of the previously glued one.
Once all the pieces have been glued together and are thoroughly dry, the stack can be unfolded into a ball and also closed with two strips of glue.
Then thread a clip onto each of the warp yarns, then pull the yarn through the middle of the honeycomb ball and knot it tightly at the top for hanging.